
Social Fabric research and creation residencies: Presentations by Vasile Leac and Vlad Marko Tollea
Jakab Toffler House
Str. Constantin Titel Petrescu, nr. 4
Casa Jakab Toffler AssociationProgramme
Saturday, 19:00-22:00
Free acces
Presentations and discussions with the poet Vasile Leac, author of several volumes of poems and founding member of the literary group Celebrul animal and of the magazine Ca și Cum, and journalist Vlad Marko Tollea, contributor to several publications including Libertatea, Vice and Mindcraft Stories.
The meeting is part of the series of events Casa Jakab Toffler: With Open Doors.
The two guests are part of the creative and research residencies project, Social Fabric, which proposes new forms of social interaction, in direct relation with the concept of housing, from its physical dimension to the symbolic one.
This project was realized with the support of a Energie! grant for artists, awarded by the Municipality of Timișoara through the Center for Projects, in the context of the national cultural programme "Timișoara – European Capital of Culture in 2023".