Toulouse Lautrec
“Toulouse Lautrec descended from aristocratic families. They grew up on the green, rolling meadows in front of the chateau and grew up with the sound of hunting horns and the smell of countess perfume on their cheeks. Though predestined to academic study and a chosen education, life threw them into the most cramped strata of society. Initially influenced by René Princeteau and John Lewis Brown, they found their way into the midst of bohemian rebellion. They are nightclub regulars, fond of women, absinthe and opium, spit into microphones, gesticulate on strings in cabaret and, drunk with success, smash the faces of the clubbers and peek under girls’ crinolines.”
Toulouse Lautrec have been an indie chart darling from the start, with many of their tracks reaching #1 on mainstream radio – you may have heard I Tell You, Yesman or Domino. They have played at many music festivals (B’estfest, Peninsula-Félsziget, Untold, Shine, Fête de la Musique) and have enriched film festivals (Shorts Up, Future Shorts, European Film Festival) and literary festivals (in Hungary, Poland and Germany). But there is room for their music everywhere: the band has played at a film premiere (Iron Man 3 in 2013), in the forest, opera halls, art galleries, in an ambulance, on a fire engine or even on a ship (Greenpeace’s Rainbow Warrior, anchored in the Port of Constanta in May 2019).