Fără Filtru
The band Fără Filtru was born during the pandemic. ABB ( former Amala) bassist Kombell Cramba and Cris “Pappy” Irinoiu (former member of Labirint, Etajul 4, Fire Escape, The Stitch), got together during the pandemic, without necessarily intending to start a musical project, but things evolved unexpectedly naturally towards their own compositions, which addressed relevant social issues. Before long, they realised that there was potential for a new project after just a few sessions together and began a search for a new member of the rhythm section, a search that lasted almost two years. They co-opted Carina Meluț, “The Embryo”, as she unwittingly gave herself the nickname, on drums. Born in 2004, the youngest of the band, Carina, studied drums and guitar at the “Ion Românul” Popular School of Arts and Crafts and double bass, piano and classical singing at the “Sabin Păuța” High School of Arts in Reșița. Before joining Fără Filtru, he was active in the bands Happy Girls, Red Flame and Sulph.
Although the band’s name leads one to think of the Communist era Carpați without filter cigarettes (fără filtru = without filter), it actually refers to the lack of any filter between thought and its verbal expression. The only possible impediment to expression is perhaps that imposed by the rhyme, but their music certainly rocks. What kind of rock? Fără Filtru leaves that to the audience to decide.