Locks on the Bega river
Bega is, urbanistically speaking, a “major attractor”. It is all the more natural to dedicate an urban tour to it. The tour aboard the Pelican is inspired by floating. It does not jump from one station to another, but unfolds panoramically, narrates and explains the urban tapestry of Timisoara seen from the water level.
The tour of about 3 hours, with a length of about 5 km (between the Iron Bridge and the Water Plant) is based on the synthesis of the results of the entire Bega Locks project and thematizes all its aspects: exploration, study, action. The tour map is structured starting from the points of intersection of the water and the city: the bridges. They will serve as the main landmarks of the landscape covered by the tour. They are joined by the installations and art objects generated by the Locks on Bega.
Last but not least, the bridges will serve as narrative locks through which tour participants will learn the history of the buildings, parks, neighborhoods that make up the banks of the Begăi, about their complex relationship with the canal, about the important and lasting effects of this cohabitation on the quality of life and the residence in Timișoara.