



  • Performance
  • Workshop

The Parallel City – The Game from Iosefin – The path towards the other You

Iron Bridge
Str. Andrei Mureșanu, nr. 2
Friday, 16:00–18:00 și 17:30-19:30
Saturday, 12:30–14:30, 16:00-18:00 și 17:30-19:30
Sunday, 12:30–14:30
Free access (registration needed)

The Game represents one of the 3 tracks of the immersive theater play imagined by Ana Mărgineanu
(director) and Peca Ștefan (text). The game or the yellow route takes place in the Iosefin neighborhood and opens parallel worlds, the existence of which no one knows. The game is played in teams: rabbits (pink) and dogs (blue).

Dogs hunt rabbits. Rabbits run from dogs. But this hunt opens a passageway to a secret neighborhood
story. By discovering this story you will be able to help someone in need. In the real world.

After the game, there is a guided debriefing session through which the stories encountered through the game are analyzed, personal experiences along the route are discussed, debate is based on this parallel world discovered. The discussion part is dimensioned and led by the How About Association

Proiectul face parte din Programul Cultural Național „Timișoara – Capitală Europeană a Culturii în 2023” și este finanțat de Municipiul Timișoara prin Centrul de Proiecte.

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