
What does Timișoara 2023 mean for its people?

Alexandru Luca

UPT Creative Campus coordinator
The Capital of Culture is about community. Behind the very rigid indicators and the constant debate ...

Adriana Codruța Șofron

Club Sportiv Nautic Banat Timișoara
Timisoara 2023 signifies for us the recognition of our city’s European heritage and the fact that ...

Marius Giura

Director of the Gărâna Jazz Festival
Timișoara is more than a capital of culture, it is the exponent of a unique state ...

Laura Lazin

Vice-President of the Citizen of Traian Association
Timișoara 2023 was both an opportunity and a challenge for us. We jumped on the cultural ...

Alis Stratan

How About Mediator
Timișoara 2023 is an extraordinary moment in time and space in which not only our cultural ...

Cristina Căluianu

Project Coordinator CED Romania
For CED Romania, Timișoara 2023 – European Capital of Culture represents the opportunity to build a ...

Livia Mateiaș and Marius Jurca

Visual artists and Artouching administrators
For us Timișoara 2023 – European Capital of Culture means the joy of seeing the city ...

Roxana-Elena Szogi

President of CDPP Association – Centre for Personal and Professional Development
Timișoara 2023 – European Capital of Culture is both an opportunity and a responsibility for us ...

Cristian Alin Ilea

Circumeuropa Project Coordinator / Wild Watch Association
For us, Timisoara 2023 – European Capital of Culture was the ideal opportunity to start the ...

Oana Romocea

Co-founder of the Local Diaspora Association
Timisoara 2023 – European Capital of Culture is an opportunity to connect the city to European ...

Timea Sas Ciora

President of the Foc și Pară Association
On the one hand, on a personal level, this year means a considerable effort, on the ...

Andi Daiszler

President of the Daisler Association
Timișoara 2023 is a unique opportunity to show the world the creativity we possess. A chance ...

Adriana Babeți

Literary critic, novelist, contemporary essayist
The Capital of Culture – Timisoara 2023 has generated an extraordinary capital. An asset produced through ...

Roxana Pătrulescu

President of Temporar Association, project manager of Tur de Arhitectură
Timișoara 2023 – European Capital of Culture is an opportunity for the people of Timișoara to ...

Ramona Cosma

President of the Kabaitan Association
For me, Timisoara European Capital of Culture means the best year of all the 47 years ...

Simona Ionescu

Timisoara 2023 – European Capital of Culture means connecting with people and places, creating social ties, ...

Alexandrina Ciortuz

Ecluze pe Bega Project Coordinator
For us, Timișoara 2023 means the opportunity to reconnect people from different fields, with different interests, ...