



  • Exhibition

Porous Matter

MV Sci-Art Center
Bd. Mihai Viteazu, nr. 1
Meta Spațiu
Visiting hours
Friday to Sunday, 12:00-18:00
Free access

POROUS MATTER. Void Fractions in Materials, Ideas and Society delves into the concept of “porous matter” and explores its implications in various contexts. Through an interdisciplinary approach that combines art, science and societal perspectives, the exhibition aims to shed light on the hidden beauty and deeper meaning of the “void fractions” in our world.

The four artists from Romania and Norway – Floriama Cândea, Maria Castellanos, Cosmin Haiaș, Stahl Stensile, together with four scientists – Florin Drăgan (UPT), Alex Hansen (Porelab), Liviu Marșavina (UPT), Marcel Moura (Porelab) and the project’s curatorial team – Mirela Stoeac- Vlăduți (curator) and Loredana Nedelcu (assistant curator), examine through their works and perspectives the complex relationship between porous materials and the impact of their research on ideas and society as a whole. Through the contemporary art installations created, artistic and scientific experiments, the exhibition invites visitors to reflect on the multifaceted nature of empty fractions and their role in shaping our physical and conceptual environment.

POROUS MATTER provides a unique platform for interdisciplinary dialogue, collaboration and exchange. By interweaving artistic expression with scientific research, the exhibition challenges conventional boundaries, arouses curiosity and opens new avenues of exploration, prompting visitors to question the permeability of structures, the gaps in knowledge and social, ecological and technological implications arising from the concept of porous matter.

As we navigate through the exhibition space, we are encouraged to consider the complex interconnectedness of materials, ideas and society: from the microscopic voids in porous substances to the intangible gaps in our understanding, ‘porous matter’ offers an engaging journey that expands our perception and invites us to reimagine the world around us.

The exhibition POROUS MATTER is the result of a close collaboration between artists, scientists, curators and collaborators from the three partner universities, which began as early as 2022 with lab visits, the performance of numerous scientific experiments, working sessions and multiple dialogues.

The project is part of the national cultural programme "Timișoara – European Capital of Culture in 2023" and is funded through the Grow Timișoara 2023 programme, implemented by the Center for Projects Timișoara, with funds allocated from the state budget, through the budget of the Ministry of Culture.

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