



  • Artist talk
  • Exhibition
  • Film

Casa Jakab Toffler: With Open Doors

Jakab Toffler House
Str. Constantin Titel Petrescu, nr. 4
Friday to Sunday, 19:00-22:00
Free access

Casa Jakab invites you to a series of events which have as their theme the nature, the housing and the built environment, three topics that inspire most of the activities proposed by this association from the Fabric district.


Friday, October 6, 7-22 pm
Opening Woman Without Hand, Monotremu & Alexandru Ciobotă

Saturday, October 7, 7-22 pm:
Social Fabric research and creation residencies: Presentations by Vasile Leac and Vlad Marko Tollea

Sunday, October 8, 7-22 pm
Documentary Film Screenings: The Venice Syndrom and Rent Rebels, followed by discussions with guests from Bloc Zero

The series of events aims to boost social dynamics, the neighborhood sense of belonging and promoting the material and immaterial heritage of the Fabric district.

It’s a micro “nedeia” or “prayer” of the Jakab Toffler House, a custom with traditional roots that celebrates communities.

Co-organiser: Minitremu Association. With the support of Constantin Titel Petrescu nr. 4. Inhabitants’ Association.

This event is part of the Social Fabric Project.

This project was realized with the support of a Energie! grant for artists, awarded by the Municipality of Timișoara through the Center for Projects, in the context of the national cultural programme "Timișoara – European Capital of Culture in 2023".

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